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Empower Growth

Course Reflection: Assessing the Grow and Synthesizing the Knowledge Gain


Updated: Sep 15, 2022

Curriculum and instruction have evolved from merely instructing students from a syllabus to now inclusive of consideration for students’ diversity. Knowing about learners’ preferred learning styles has always been a part of the instructional process; however, students’ cultural background was not a focus until recently. This blog page is designed to summarize and synthesize the knowledge gained from the course. According to Dey (2021), a blog is created to provide detailed information about a particular topic, and you will experience timely changes on the blog either daily or monthly”. The blog posts for this page were done chronologically to reflect the growth of the blogger over a ten weeks progression.

The curriculum is the master guide from which all lessons are planned to offer students tailor-made lessons; it is here that the content to be learned comes alive. Educators in their planning will need to consider the lessons for whom this blueprint is designed to educate. The quantitative and qualitative data gathered from the action research suggests the importance of teachers being culturally responsive to their students’ cultural needs and backgrounds. If attention is not given often, the cultural diversity in the classroom will affect the learners’ ability and willingness to acquire and participate in the learning process.

Teaching strategies employed by the educator must blend the use of multimodal strategies to attract learners of the varied learning styles and to affect differentiated learning, which can be complemented by Universal Design for Learning (UDL) approaches. If these are aligned to the state standards, they will yield effective results as awareness of how much understanding of the content taught would be accounted for. Regular formative and summative assessment and feedback will effectively inform the teacher' and students' actions.



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